NCURSES编程 之 19 工具和小部件库 19 Tools and Widget Libraries
19 工具和小部件库
19.1. CDK(CUSSES开发工具包)
该工具包提供了一些有用的小部件,这些小部件可以直接用于程序中。它写得很好,文档也很好。示例目录中的示例可以是初学者的一个好开始。CDK可从中下载 按照README文件中的说明安装。
Widget Type Quick Description
Alphalist Allows a user to select from a list of words, with
the ability to narrow the search list by typing in a
few characters of the desired word.
Buttonbox This creates a multiple button widget.
Calendar Creates a little simple calendar widget.
Dialog Prompts the user with a message, and the user
can pick an answer from the buttons provided.
Entry Allows the user to enter various types of information.
File Selector A file selector built from Cdk base widgets. This
example shows how to create more complicated widgets
using the Cdk widget library.
Graph Draws a graph.
Histogram Draws a histogram.
Item List Creates a pop up field which allows the user to select
one of several choices in a small field. Very useful
for things like days of the week or month names.
Label Displays messages in a pop up box, or the label can be
considered part of the screen.
Marquee Displays a message in a scrolling marquee.
Matrix Creates a complex matrix with lots of options.
Menu Creates a pull-down menu interface.
Multiple Line Entry A multiple line entry field. Very useful
for long fields. (like a description
Radio List Creates a radio button list.
Scale Creates a numeric scale. Used for allowing a user to
pick a numeric value and restrict them to a range of
Scrolling List Creates a scrolling list/menu list.
Scrolling Window Creates a scrolling log file viewer. Can add
information into the window while its running.
A good widget for displaying the progress of
something. (akin to a console window)
Selection List Creates a multiple option selection list.
Slider Akin to the scale widget, this widget provides a
visual slide bar to represent the numeric value.
Template Creates a entry field with character sensitive
positions. Used for pre-formatted fields like
dates and phone numbers.
Viewer This is a file/information viewer. Very useful
when you need to display loads of information.
19.1.2. 一些吸引人的特征
"</B/1>This line should have a yellow foreground and a blue
作为newCDKLabel()的参数,它打印前景为黄色、背景为蓝色的行。还有其他标签可用于证明字符串,嵌入特殊绘图字符等。。有关详细信息,请参阅手册页cdk\ U显示屏(3X)。手册页用很好的例子解释了用法。
19.1.3. 结论
19.2. 对话框
19.3. Perl Curses模块Curses::FORM和Curses::WIDGETS
perl模块Curses、Curses::Form和Curses::Widgets提供了从perl访问Curses的权限。如果您有curses并且安装了basic perl,那么可以从CPAN所有模块页面获取这些模块。获取诅咒类中的三个压缩模块。一旦安装,您就可以像使用其他模块一样使用perl脚本中的这些模块。有关perl模块的更多信息,请参见perlmod手册页。上面的模块附带了很好的文档,并且有一些演示脚本来测试功能。尽管提供的小部件非常初级,但这些模块提供了从perl访问curses库的良好途径。
我的一些代码示例由Anuradha Ratnaweera转换为perl,它们可以在perl目录中找到。